Sunday, 31 October 2010

Risk Assessment

When Filming I could trip over wires, and for one shot I use garden shears as a prop, these could be highly dangerous so I need to ensure that the floor is clear and everything is tidy and in order. Wires need to be taped down.
When travelling in the car I need to make sure that props and equipment are all secured and that they aren't moving around. I need to take extra precautions with the camera equipment whilst in the ice-cream parlour because of other customers, so I will have to produce some signs pointing out any wires and making sure that equipment is all out of the main walkway.

Shooting Schedule

Friday, 22 October 2010

Development of Digipak


First I measured out the lines to make sure that the digipak was evenly spaced and I added a background colour. Then on the left and right sides I inserted dotted shapes to create the dotty backgrounds.

Then I added the text to it, and also inserted text on the part which would be the thin side bit.

After that I added the images and turned them black and white. With the image on the front, I used the lasso tool to cut out the background and separate it from the bar stool, then I turned that black and white and moved it back in place. I then enhanced the colour of the bar stool.

Finally, I added a heart shape for the text about the 'new hit track' and I added an old-style barcode for realism.


First I added a background colour and two rectangles filled with 'dot print' which represent booklets. Also I added the basic shape of the disc, in black, for record style to compliment the age of the song and for more realism.

Then I added extras to the basic disc shape and I also added text to the booklets and to the disc.

I then added the two heart shapes which would be the holders for the booklets.

Finally I added a membership slip giving an email address for fans to join a mailing list.

This poster would be included in the digipak:

Monday, 11 October 2010